Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Day 1

Position 18:27 GMT 28/12/05 26 degrees 43.1 North, 16 degrees 13.6 West. Today has been a real mixed bag as far as the wind is concerned - all directions and all strengths. This has had a great effect on the sea which is nothing short of a washing machine. We have had all sorts of sail configurations today and any number of headings. But despite the wind and the sea the sun has shone all day and it has been a good day. We had a huge pod of dolphins visit earlier - one jumped right over the bow of the boat! We are trying to get into our watch patterns today but it has been a bit hard to sleep because of the changing wind and sea. The mechanical self steering system has been helming today for the first time since Andrew re-ran all the lines, it's called Malcolm the Monitor and is doing a great job at holding us on course to the wind.


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